Keep Life Simple


Part two of the trilogy which follows on from the initial article “In the Chaos Find Peace”.  Last week we looked at being overwhelmed.  This week we are having a look at simplifying how we can make life a lot easier by just keeping things simple.

This reminds me of my sales training days when I used to tell my students to just remember “KISS”, in other words “Keep It Simple Saleman (or Stupid)”

Today  we live in a very busy society, which I am sure you appreciate. We seem to have an unlimited number of responsibilities which we are expected to do. So much is happening, someone always appears to need you to do something.  If you start to have a break you will almost certainly get interupted by something else that needs your attention.  You have little or no time to take things easy, however if you want a simple life look at these thoughts to help you do so…

1.  Just What Is Important To You?

If you really want to enjoy a simple life then you must decide what really matters.  Ask yourself what do you consider to be important? To you what does a simple life look like? Take a piece of paper and write down four or even five priorities in your life, these your can use as an aid to the direction to which you wish to go to enjoy a simple life.

2. Clutter – Get Rid

You and your dreams can be stifled by having too much stuff.  It is a fact the more that you have, the more that you have to not only take are of but also worry abouit.  If you go into any room in your house, imagine what a new buyer may think, what could they get rid of? What would they keep? You can know begin to declutter.

3. Having a Daily routine

If you have  a daily routine it ensures that things that matter will get done, this also leaves you time for you to live. Do you have any jobs that are repetitive, if so start with these.  If you can create routines that come automatically, these will save both time and effort.

4. You Must Learn to say NO

It might hurt you to let people daown by saying NO, it will also make life a lot simpler.  It gives you less to do, allowing you to focus on what is important to you.  Look at it this way every NO is a YES to your own ambitions and tasks.

5.  If You Love Somone Spend Time With Them

Your life will be made more enjoyable and simpler if you spend more time with the important peole in your life.  This does not mean ignoring other friends or family, just decide to prioitise those who are important enough to matter. Take the children or grandchildren out for a treat, if only for a walk to find out how their week has been.  Buy them an ice-cream, show them that you care.

6.  Toxic Relationships Must Go

You cannot make your life more complicated than by having a toxic family member, partner or friend.  It is easier if you simplify your life by not allowing yourself to feed into their dramas.  Reduce contact with these people as much as you can.

7. Reduce Your Time Online

You cannot possibly lead a simple life if you allow yourself to be at mercy of your online accounts.  The deeper I get into online marketing I notice just how many emails I receive a day, in the hundreds.  These I delete some four times a day, I just scan read the heading if no good off they go into the delete file.  I do this first thing, at lunchtime, at teatime and before i close down for the day.  It is difficult to avoid your emails completely, but have a system to deal with them, the phone is a different matter, but spend only the time that you need to on it.

8. Reduce Your Wardrobe

Just how much of your wardrobe do you actually wear? You will find life a lot simpler if you only have in there what you need.  Do appreciate that things like evening wear and suits might be a couple of times a year, I am talking about things that you no longer wear.  I usually wear a short sleeve shirt  each day, I have a number of these which my wife puts to the bottom of the pile when they are washed.  This means all of these shirts are worn and none wear out by constant use.  Try it and see.

9. Plan Your Week

I make a to do list every Sunday Evening, this ensures that what needs doing is in fact done.  Do appreciate that unless you have the memory of an elephant you will forget the odd item, but this can be added in when you come across it.


If you follow the above nine ideas you will find that life does indeed become simple.  If you only follow one at a time to start with, you will be surprised just how much easier life will become.

The next article which will be published on Monday will “Slow Down” and part three of this trilogy.

Stay healthy




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